Innovative equipment of 160 companies from 12 countries await dairy industry specialists at DairyTech 2024
Published on: Jan 19, 2024
Reading Time: 5 min

The key event of the dairy industry — the 22nd International exhibition of equipment for milk and dairy production DairyTech will be open from 24 to 26 January 2024 in Crocus Expo, Pavilion 1, Hall 4.
DairyTech is the only exhibition in Russia dedicated to the dairy industry, where manufacturers and suppliers demonstrate a wide range of equipment for each stage of dairy production: from milk reception to transportation of finished products.
In 2024, over 160 domestic and foreign companies from 12 countries will present new machines, the latest technological solutions, ingredients, and finished packaging.
Every year, at the DairyTech exhibition the industry experts find new suppliers and business partners, get personally acquainted with the products of key industry players and new companies, study the industry trends at business program events, and share experiences with colleagues.
Exhibition 2024
Companies from Austria, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, India, Spain, Italy, China, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Turkey will showcase their products at DairyTech 2024. 22 international exhibitors and 138 Russian companies will present their stands in 14 thematic sectors of the exhibition:
Equipment for milk reception;
Equipment and technologies for milk processing;
Ingredients and ferments for dairy products, and drinks;
Equipment and technologies for ice cream production;
Cooling and freezing equipment;
Packaging equipment and technologies;
Marking equipment;
Ready packaging and labels;
Bottling equipment and technologies;
Programs (software) and production automation tools;
Auxiliary equipment and products, spare parts;
Quality audit equipment;
Cleaning and sanitary equipment;
Services and engineering for food manufacturing.
New solutions and developments will be presented by long-term participants and key market players, such as TAURAS-FENIX, FACCHINETTI RUS, Kieselmann Rus, Alfa L Service, EKOKOM, PROFITEX, TDNT Engineering, ADVANTA, TREPKO, Sfoggiatech Srl, MEGA ProfiLine, FIBOSA, Bertsch Foodtec, INOXPA, Casaro Factory, BASSON, Clever Machines, PAG, Sealed Air, PROCESS ENGINEERING and many others.
Over 30 companies will participate for the first time.
Every year, the Exhibition management works towards the attraction of new participants and geographic growth. Among the first-timers in 2024 are Packaging Systems, Omega Group, MAST, Klever Group, ALASKA-POLYGRAFOFORMLENIE, Moloko, Meridian, DFilter, Tobol, NPO ASTA, AgroFoodLab, CALVATIS, TavrusMet, Iplast, NPO YUMAS, Bonomi-GPK, Piezus, TRANPAK and others.
For the first time in a long period, the foreign exposition will be replenished by an Indian manufacturer — ASHTAVINAYAKA TECHNO PROCESS ENGINEERING, specializing in the production and supply of stainless steel (SS) technological equipment for the dairy and food industries.
See the full list of participants here.
Exhibition Novelties
The TDNT Engineering company will present a new research and production complex TDNT INDUSTRIAL designed to produce unique technical solutions for food production in Russia.
During the exhibition, visitors will be able to see an innovative method of parts production – 3D metal printing, used in the manufacturing of products of complex spatial shapes, as well as a high-precision software and hardware complex based on an optical scanner with laser illumination, which allows obtaining a 3D model of an object of any complexity. Parts, spare parts, and any other objects of visitors will be scanned right at the exhibition.
The company’s project – a tubular heat exchanger, that can be used as part of the POU and Russian-made sterilizers, – will be also presented at the stand.
The GEO-ENGINEERING YUG company will present a new technology – synchroblock ELITE ULTRACLEAN 24/24/6 + Z-RollFed 60/8 SR 1-2-410 with new SHUT-OFF hygienic filling valves. The synchroblock performs turret treatment of the bottle with peroxide solution; turret rinsing bottles with sterile water; turret filling; turret capping; and turret application of polypropylene labels using hot glue. This solution has several advantages, specifically: compact dimensions, which significantly save production space, and there is no need to dry a bottle before labeling.
The NPO ASTA company will make its debut at the DairyTech 2024 exhibition and present the recent developments for the food industry: pressure regulators, float steam traps of its own production, and bellows shut-off valve.
At the Lambumiz stand, they will present new products, prospects, and new trends as the plant has significantly expanded its fleet of printing and post-printing equipment over the past year. The company will showcase its direction of production and supply of 29 and 38-mm caps of any colors for Pure-Pak and PET bottles, respectively, and a new line – an express test system for determining antibiotics in milk, whey, and dairy products Pioneer BioTech and much more. In addition, in 2023, Lambumiz mastered the production of one-side-colored PE-coated cardboard, which is used in the production of disposable tableware. These new products will also be presented at the exhibition.
The TAURAS-FENIX company will introduce the exhibition audience to modern packaging solutions for its production. The plant will show LINEPAK F3M Box Motion – a machine for packaging long-lasting piece goods in three-seam flow pack bags; Triblock 2000 – a machine for filling liquid and viscous products into PET bottles with plastic caps with a safety ring; RPP 2000 – a carousel-linear automatic machine for filling liquid dairy products into rectangular bags with a comb made of high-density cardboard with double-sided polyethylene coating and a multi-head dispenser with 10 weighing pockets, a screw feed and special “sliding” type pockets designed for precise dosing of sticky and wet products, for example, crumbly cottage cheese. Visitors to the exhibition will see the packaging machines in action and learn more about them from exclusive presentations.
Klever Machines will present Guangzhou Leiwest Pak Co., Ltd, which entered into an exclusive agreement with Klever Machines LLC for the supply and service of aseptic equipment in Russia, as well as in other countries; cheese-making machines of various capacities from 500 liters to 20 tons; equipment for the production of ricotta and mozzarella; heat exchange equipment, pasteurization and cooling units; separators, normalizers, bactofuges; homogenizers; UHT, deaeration plants; valves and pumps, manifold and mixing systems.
Representatives of the Ural Food Equipment Plant company will introduce visitors to equipment for processing dairy products, such as separators, dispersers, and homogenizers, heat exchange equipment; food pumps and general industrial pumping equipment; capacitive equipment: universal tanks, starter tanks, normalization baths, long-term pasteurization baths, tanks for cooling milk and producing cottage cheese; stainless steel containers.
Business Program: Events for Diary Industry Professionals
In 2024, the exhibition will be accompanied by a rich business program consisting of 16 thematic events: seminars, round tables, panel discussions, and conferences, which are designed to highlight the key issues in the dairy industry. Business Program is targeted at dairy specialists, managers, engineers, process planners, and market researchers.
Speakers will include representatives of major companies, government authorities, and industry unions, as well as dairy industry experts. Among the speakers are Aleksey Gruzdev, Managing Partner, Streda Consulting; Aleksey Voronin, Director of the Analytical Department, Soyuzmoloko; Aleksander Krivolapov, General Director, Packaging Systems JSC; Lyubov Aksenova, Head of GR Service, EkoNiva Group; Anton Blyumkin, Commercial Director, RosMol; Yulia Kuzmina, Head of the Department of Non-Excise Food Products of the Center for Research in Perspective Technologies, operator of the Chestny ZNAK Track & Trace System; Irina Loginova, Director of the Marketing Department, Shakhunskoye Moloko; Aleksandra Demchenko, Deputy General Director, Cheese Factory Italianskiye Traditsii; Grigory Rogov, Ph.D., Director, All-Russian Research Institute of Butter and Cheese Making – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and many others.
The plenary session will discuss the results of the past year, government support measures for the dairy industry, the Mercury system, the introduction of innovative technologies in the production of dairy products, the packaging market, and current industry challenges.
On January 24, the industry conference “Functional Dairy Products: Health and Innovation” will take place, during which the experts will talk about fermented milk products and cheese technologies with an innovative focus, on protein and carbohydrate functional ingredients, and products of the future.
The training seminar in the format of DairyTech Lecture Hall dedicated to "Ingredients", as well as the practical session "School of Fundamentals of Technological Processes for Production of Dairy Products" will be conducted in Conference Room C. In their presentations, the speakers will touch on such topics as Features of the modern assortment and consumer demand, Prospects for the development of technical regulation in the EAEU, Identification criteria for dairy products, Basic principles of organizing dairy product processes, as well as Market trends in the sector ingredients for dairy production and Application of ingredients of various classes in dairy product technologies and processing of raw materials.
On January 25, the conference “Dairy Industry Marketing” will take place, where the key experts will talk about trends in the dairy market, generational shifts, and the consumption of classic and modern dairy products, and will also take part in a discussion about successful experiences in using marketing tools.
In addition, as part of the All-Russian Forum of Dairy Products Manufacturers, a new format of the event will be held – the Pitch Session of Innovative Solutions “Modern Dairy Production: Modernization, Import Substitution & Automation”. 13 companies will share their successes and achievements over the past year in two thematic blocks: Packaging, Equipment and Ingredients and Automation and Organization of Efficient Production. Among the participants of the Pitch Session are the General Partner of the exhibition the Packaging Systems company, Lambumiz, TAURAS-FENIX, GALDI, Primekartonpak, Klever Machines, VEKAS, and many others.
The workshop “Business is Made by People: Effective Milk Processing” will be held in Conference Hall C. The business workshop includes 4 parts: Commercial Analytics: What Should a Milk Processor Produce Today and How to Increase Profitability of Existing Sales; Technologies: Innovations in Production, Maintaining Quality Periods, Analysis of Niche Products, Organization of Production: Effective Models, Fat Balance Calculation and Production Manager Actions Algorithm; and Production Management: Loss Reduction, Production Accounting, Effective Decisions on Operational Issues.
26 January is traditionally focused on cheese producers. The main hall will host the trend session “Consumption Dynamics. Trends, Assortment, Sales" and the session "Customer Preferences: Product Quality, Taste Characteristics and Differentiation Strategies." The key topics of the block of cheese-related sessions will include consumer preferences, trends and focal points for 2024, innovations in cheese production, effective solutions, and strategies for ensuring the quality of finished products.
In addition, in conference hall C, as part of the DairyTech Lecture Hall, there will be the seminar “Technical Regulation of the EAEU and the Russian Federation. Changes and Trends 2023", as well as a session “Microbiology and Laboratory Control”. Key topics of the session are Microbiological Risks in Cheese and Butter Making; Important Regulatory Documents in Laboratory Research of Milk and Dairy Products; Hygiene in Butter and Cheese Production, Microbiological Control; and others.
The Partner of the business program of the DairyTech 2024 exhibition is Packaging Systems.
You can view the detailed schedule of business program events here.
DairyTech Award
The exhibition will feature the DairyTech Award for the recent developments in the dairy industry. The winners will be determined by members of the professional jury: Aleksey Yakushev (ROSBIOTECH), Alla Ostryakova (JSC Moloko), Marina Petrova (Petrova Five Consulting), Evgenia Zakharova (JSC Tula Dairy Plant) and Maria Zhebit (SOYUZMOLOKO).
Participants of the Award in the nomination “Equipment and Technologies for Production, Bottling and Packaging of Whole Milk and Fermented Milk Product Groups”: Kriofrost Engineering with the product “Ice Water Generation Systems Based on Ice Accumulators of TechnoFrost LLC”; MiSSP with the product "Automatic Blow Molding Machine for PET bottles A-12000-7"; TDNT ENGINEERING with the product “Russian-Made Heat Exchange Equipment”.
Manufacturer of cheese equipment APS GROUP presented the products “Molding Machine AF-1000” and “Cheese Grain Distributor RSZ-01R” in the category “Equipment and Technologies for Production, Bottling and Packaging of Cheese-Making Products (Cheeses and Cheese Products)”.
MiSSP presented the product "Labeling Installation EA-12000" in the category "Modern Packaging Solutions".
Participants of the Award in the category “Detergents and Disinfectants”: TIOKRAFT SYSTEMS with the product “Photocatalytic Air Disinfectant TIOKRAFT VR1000 produced by JSC RPZ (ROSTECH)"; Gran Pri company with products "Art. 318 MEGWIN Alkaline Low Foam" and "Art. 601 MEGWIN Alkaline Low Foam”.
The Solisoft Group presented SYFORA, a software platform for the design and implementation of a new generation automated process control system in the category “Automation and Digitalization of Business Processes in Dairy Production”.
The Universe DX company presented MilkDX 4BTSC, a rapid test for determining residual amounts of antibiotics in milk and dairy products, in the “Technologies and Quality Control Tools” category.
The Award winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony on 25 January at 5.20 pm in the Grand Hall (Exhibition Hall 4). Free entrance.
DairyTech Connect — Digital Business Community
A year ago, the exhibition launched a business community for dairy industry professionals, DairyTech Connect, which helps establish business connections online and maintain contact with potential clients and partners 365 days a year.
DairyTech Connect is in the thick of events in the dairy industry; in the community, you can learn about trends and news, exchange ideas and experiences, and find new partners among 2,000 registered users. More than 40 online meetings and training webinars were held, and interviews with top experts were published over the year. The DairyTech Connect studio was visited by Maxim Novikov, President of the Union of Juice, Water and Beverage Manufacturers; Artyom Belov, General Director of the National Union of Milk Producers; Maria Zhebit, Director of Public Relations at Soyuzmoloko, Editor-in-Chief of Milknews; Mikhail Mizin, Managing Partner of The DairyNews in Russia; Igor Eliseenko, General Director of the Molsib Holding and Chairman of the Board of Soyuzmoloko.Sibir and others. During the year, a unique study, “Voices of the Industry: What Dairy Market Experts Think,” was conducted in the community. The presentation of the results will take place as part of the business program of the DairyTech 2024 exhibition.
Join the community, communicate, and receive industry information not only through the community website but also through the DairyTech Connect mobile application. At the 2024 exhibition, a new application function is available – Leadscanning, which will make your visit to the exhibition as efficient as possible. Guests and participants will be able to quickly and conveniently exchange contacts with visitors and participants, take important notes, and process collected data right on the site.
The DairyTech Connect mobile app is available here.
Official Support
The DairyTech 2024 exhibition will be held with the support of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor), the Government of Moscow, the Government of the Moscow Region.
The exhibition is also supported by industry unions: the National Union of Milk Producers SOYUZMOLOKO, the Union of Juice, Water and Beverage Producers (SOYUZNAPITKI), and the Union of Food Ingredient Producers (UPFI).
Exhibition’s General Partner – Packaging Systems.
The General Media Partner of the exhibition is DairyNews, and the Official Media Partner is Milknews.
Media support is provided by: Milk Processing magazine, PischePromEkspert magazine, Augustborg information and analytical center, Dairy Industry magazine, Cheese and Butter Making magazine, MilkLife portal, Perfect Agriculture magazine, Refrigeration Equipment publishing house, Refrigeration Industry portal, Empire of Cold magazine, Milk River magazine, Unipack portal, Kriofrost Academy scientific and educational center, Expomap exhibition calendar, V-Brand marketing agency, Over a Glass of White podcast, etc. Organiser's team would like to thank all the partners for their cooperation.
You are welcome to the International DairyTech Exhibition from 24 to 26 January. See you soon!

Opening Times
Tuesday 27th January 2026 - 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 28th January 2026 - 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 29th January 2026 - 10:00 - 16:00
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