Published on: Jan 19, 2023
Reading Time: 5 min

DairyTech — the 21st International Exhibition of Equipment for Milk and Dairy Production will take place from 25 to 27 January 2023 at Crocus Expo, Pavilion 1, Hall 4
DairyTech 2023 International Exhibition has once again proved its importance and will become a unique platform for Russian and foreign dairy industry representatives to meet and discuss essential issues, establish face-to-face contacts, find new partners, and get acquainted with a wide range of equipment and technologies for dairy production.
Exhibition 2023
Over 140 domestic and foreign companies from 13 countries, such as Austria, Belarus, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, and Turkey, will participate in DairyTech 2023. The exhibitors are leading manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, materials, technologies, and ingredients for milk and dairy production.
Exhibition sections:
Equipment and technologies for milk and dairy products production
Packing and filling equipment
Bottling equipment for milk and dairy products, beverages
Equipment and technologies for ice cream production
Cooling and freezing equipment
Ingredients for dairy products, beverages
The booths will display products by the loyal exhibitors with longstanding trust in DairyTech: TAURAS-FENIX, Facchinetti RUS, Elopak, Kieselmann, Alfa L Service, EKOKOM, PROFITEX, TDNT Engineering, ADVANTA, TAGRIS, Trepko, Sfoggiatech, MEGA ProfiLine, Fibosa, Bertsch Foodtech, Inoxpa, MARBO TECHNOLOGY, Gemak, CASARO Factory, Basson, Bewaehrt, Clever Machines, PAG, Sealed Air, MP-Technologii, etc.
Over 30 companies are new exhibitors
In all sectors of DairyTech, companies are showcasing their booths for the first time: Resilux, Milk Service, Only-Pack, KREOL, PROCESS ENGINEERING, Ecos, GEO-ENGINEERING, Leomet Management, STL, NEOS INGREDIENTS, SPECIALSTAL SERVICE, Special Steels and Alloy, ETM, ELHART, DAIRY AUTOMATION, MILORADA, SIMPLE PROTECTION, Provlab, AMEATEC, BASIKA Trade House, GemaTech, INVADIS, MARBO TECHNOLOGY, Refengineering, TIOKRAFT SYSTEMS, Tralin Pak Yug, Uniforma, Vtoroborudovanie, etc.
Exhibition Novelties
During the exhibition, Facchinetti RUS will showcase an automatic line for slicing and packing cheese into fixed-weight portions.
DMP — supplier of technologies, integrated engineering solutions, and equipment for milk and whey processing — will demonstrate the latest process solutions for the production of powder ingredients from milk and whey.
TAURAS-FENIX — a long-standing exhibitor of DairyTech — will demonstrate a wide range of equipment, including novelties — five packing and filling machines designed to increase capacity and facilitate automation of the production process.
APS Group — a Russian manufacturer — will introduce fixed-weight cheese-slicing machines as well as a vertical molding column. The column is designed to operate both autonomously and as part of an automated line for pressed cheese production.
PROFITEX plant will display the following equipment: ADNK 39D automated machine for packing in plastic cups intended for filling plastic cups of various shapes with liquids and pasty products as well as further sealing and capping the cups with plastic lids; ADNV 39 P automated bagging machine (single-strand) for packing of liquid and pasty products in PE film; briquette machine for packing butter, spreads, margarine, curds with raisins and other pasty products in parchment paper or aluminum foil.
For the first time at DairyTech, NEOS INGREDIENTS - a food ingredient supplier - will showcase its products in the ingredients sector of the exhibition. The company offers a wide range of ingredients for the Dairy, Fat, and Oil and Meat Processing industries.
For the first time, Türköz equipment from Turkey will be displayed at DairyTech 2023. At the booth of TDNT Engineering, an official dealer in Russia and Belarus, you will discover and experience the advantages of a Turkish cheese melting tank — the minimum volume is 100 L (the maximum volume of the melting tank may reach 1,200 L).
Business Program: Events for Professionals
Upon the request of the professional audience, the Business Program has been extended in 2023 and runs all three exhibition days. 16 thematic events including workshops, case study sessions, and conferences are scheduled to cover key issues of the dairy industry. Business Program is targeted at dairy specialists, managers, engineers, process planners, and market researchers. Among the speakers are top managers of major companies, representatives of public authorities and industry unions, as well as recognized experts.
At the plenary session of dairy industry leaders, the experts will discuss the results of the past year, share perspectives on further progress in the context of major brands leaving the market, and address pressing issues from different viewpoints: producer, processor, and retailer.
Case study session Packaging for dairy products in unstable markets will be held on 25 January. The speakers will review the packaging market's current state, offer their ideas on import substitution and production localization for different types of packages, and will also discuss operations under the sanctions.
Conference hall D will host training seminars on microbiology and ingredients in the new format — DairyTech Lectures. The speakers will touch upon the following topics: Microbiological Aspects of Traditional Dairy Production, Incoming Inspection and Storage Quality Assurance, and the Role of Molecular and Biological Research in Modern Microbiology, as well as Market Trends in the Dairy Ingredients Sector, Consumer Trends and R&D Solutions, and Use of Multi-Class Ingredients in Dairy Production and Raw Material Processing. The events will be supported by the Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo) and the Food Ingredient Producers Union (FIPU).
Ice Cream Production in Russia: Opportunities and Limitations conference will take place on 26 January. Representatives of the leading companies will talk about entry points to the ice cream market and discuss successful cases of production diversification.
Topics discussed on 27 January are traditionally targeted at cheese producers. The main arena will host trend-session Consumption Dynamics. Trends, Product Range, Sales and How-To Session Technologies, Production, and Quality Assurance of Finished Products. The key topics of the cheese sessions will include consumer preferences, trends, and focal points of 2023, improving yield and stabilizing cheese quality, and scaling up production to medium processing capacity.
Besides, for the first time, the DairyTech 2023 Business Program will offer Open Mic — presentations of real cases and innovations from producers of equipment, ingredients, package, and process developers. Open Mic participants: GALDI, Solisoft, LAMBUMIZ, MEGA ProfiLine, TAURAS-FENIX, Basika.
DairyTech Award
DairyTech Award — an event targeted to identify cutting-edge developments by the industry players, support brands, and promote business growth. The event will be held for the first time in a new format.
In the Equipment for Milk and Dairy Production nomination, UVMILK will present a multi-level filter unit; APS Group will present an automated production line for pressed cheeses and a production line for self-pressed cheeses. In Packing Equipment / Package nomination, TDNT Engineering will present its projects on the conversion of equipment for available formats of aseptic carton package; ONLY-PACK will present its innovative Natural Bio Label In Digital Technologies in Dairy Production nomination, PAG will present its CIP MONITOR software solution, and Solisoft will present Russian software Lab&Trace.
The Award winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony on 26 January at 4.30 pm in the Main Arena (Exhibition Hall 4). Free entrance.
DairyTech Connect — Digital Business Community
In 2023, ITE launches DairyTech Connect — a new digital platform for exhibitors and visitors. It will allow dairy industry professionals to network and communicate online all year round. DairyTech Connect is a business community for industry professionals and an additional opportunity for companies to keep in touch with potential customers and partners after the exhibition.
DairyTech Connect community offers high-quality content, market analytics and reviews, industry news, expert interviews, online events, and webinars. It is planned that the platform will engage extensively all industry players: exhibitors and visitors, local and international companies, mass media representatives, state authorities, and business unions. At DairyTech Connect each company is welcome to post news and articles, promote products and services, arrange face-to-face video meetings and online events, as well as source market analytics. By registering your company in the community and being active on your page, you can boost your outreach and improve exhibiting results.
Join the DairyTech Connect industry community, try out all platform features, and make the most of it to drive your business and maximize your marketing opportunities!
Official Support
DairyTech 2023 exhibition will be held with the support of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor), the Government of Moscow, the Government of the Moscow Region.
The exhibition is also supported by industry partners: the National Union of Milk Producers (SOYUZMOLOKO), the Union of Juice, Water and Beverage Producers (SOYUZNAPITKI), and the Union of Food Ingredient Producers (UPFI).
The General Media Partner of the exhibition is DairyNews, and the Official Media Partner is Milknews.
Media support is provided by: Milk Processing magazine, PischePromEkspert magazine, Molinform interindustry information and advisory center, Augustborg information and analytical center, Dairy Industry magazine, Cheese and Butter Making magazine, MilkLife portal, Perfect Agriculture magazine, Refrigeration Equipment publishing house, Refrigeration Industry portal, Empire of Cold magazine, Milk River magazine, Unipack portal, Expomap exhibition calendar, Rural Siberia magazine, V-Brand marketing agency, Holding a Glass of White podcast, MIR Television and Radio Company, etc. Organiser's team would like to thank all the partners for their cooperation.
Come to visit the first and only International Exhibition DairyTech from 25 to 27 January. Please use the free promo code dt23PRESS to get your ticket on the exhibition website.

Opening Times
Tuesday 27th January 2026 - 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 28th January 2026 - 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 29th January 2026 - 10:00 - 16:00
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